Design and Development of a Process Line for Groundnut Oil Extraction
The groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is one of the important oil seed crop in legume family and it is a good source of protein and fiber. Groundnut oil...

Effect of Natural Edible Coatings on Quality Characteristics and Storage Behaviour of Mango ( L.) during Cold Storage Conditions
Mango is an economically important seasonal fruit facing greater problems in storage and transportation to long distance market because of its perisha...

Development and performance evaluation of washing equipment for Selected up country vegetables combined with Ozone treatment
Mechanical washing equipment combined with ozone treatment was developed by NIPHM and evaluated for upcountry root crops like Radish, Potato and carro...

Potential of Substituting Wheat Flour by Jackfruit and Breadfruit Flour in Food Products and Evaluating Their Functional Properties and Sensorial Attributes
In Sri Lanka there is a considerable post-harvest lost prevailing in Jackfruit bulbs, jackfruit seeds and breadfruit due to perishable nature and shor...

Performance Evaluation of a screw type oil expeller for sesame
Sesame, (Sesamum indicum) is one of the oldest and important oil seed crop in the world. The sesame seed apart from providing edible oil is also rich ...

Influence of pretreatments on post-harvest quality and shelf life extension of Mango cv. Karuthakolomban
Extending the shelf life of mango is important for their successful marketing. In this context, different edible coatings were tested for prolonging t...

Quality Improvement of Fresh Leafy Vegetables by Controlling Undesirable Postharvest Physiological Activities
At present, one of the main national level challenges is to ensure food security for the growing population while ensuring long term sustainable devel...

Development of ready to use formulation for enhance the shelf life and quality of cut flowers
Flowers are end up with short vase life resulted high wastage. These losses are lead to poor pre harvest and postharvest practices. Problem is, both t...

Ensuring the safety of edible oil used in the food industry by developing methodologies to detect and quantify polymer migration from plastic bottles to edible oils
Non-branded deep fried manioc chips were evaluated by following a newly developed and validated method to determine the migration of Terephthalic acid...

Mitigating stickiness to enhance consumer preference through accelerated aging of freshly harvested paddy (IPHT/AP/RP/2019/07)
In Sri Lankan context most of consumers prefer aged rice over freshly harvested rice. Natural aging of paddy is lengthy and expensive. For this reason...

Reduction of postharvest losses of big onion (Allium cepa) by improved curing & storage technologies
research was conducted to reduce the postharvest loss of Big Onion through
improved curing and storage technologies and increase the economic s...

Use of Potential Biological Control Agents in Controlling Post Harvest Diseases of Mango with Special Reference to Mango Anthracnose
Post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables are comparatively higher than other crops and one of the main causative factors for the post-harvest loss...

Development of a food additive to preserve food by incorporating of oil extractions of nutmeg (Myristica Sp.) and cinnamon (Cinnamon Zeylanicum)
Artificial preservative agents in food products have create some health issues in human. So this research was designed to develop a natural food prese...

Prebiotic Potential of Resistant Starches and Dietary Fibers of Sri Lankan Traditional Rice Varieties and Its Application in the Food Industry
Today they have very high demand for Sri Lankan traditional rice varieties because of their organic cultivated nature, nutritive and medicinal value. ...