National Institute of Post Harvest Management | NIPHM
The National Institute of Post Harvest Management (NIPHM), Operating under the Ministry of Agriculture, Functions as the main Institution in Sri Lanka Engaged in Improving the Post Harvest Technology of Rice/Other Grains, Field Crops, Fruits and Vegetables, Spices through Research, Training & Extension, Consultancy, Advisory and other Development Activities.
To be the Center of Excellence in sustainable Post Harvest Development for National Food Security
Sustainable Development of National Food Security through efficient and effective Postharvest Technological Interventions to Strengthen the Supply and Value Chains of the Agricultural Produce and Products with High Quality and Safe Food, to Cater to the Domestic and Export Markets at Competitive Price.

The NIPHM was Established on 19th June 2000 by the Extraordinary Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka No. 1137/10 under the Provisions of the State Agricultural Corporations Act. No. 11 of 1972 for the Purpose of Carrying Out Post Harvest Research and Development Activities Pertaining to Paddy/Rice Other Cereals, Legumes, Oil Seeds Other Field Crops, Fruits, Vegetables and Spice Crops and Providing Self Employment for Rural Sector.
The Institute is Regarded and Functions as the Apex Institute in Sri Lanka Engaged in improving the Post Harvest Technology of Durable and Perishable Crops through Research, Training, Extension, Consultancy, Advisory and Other Development Activities. The Institute has taken over the functions of the Rice Processing Research & Development Center (RPRDC) of the Paddy Marketing Board, which was set up with FAO/UNDP Assistance in 1976.

Technology development and adoption for minimization of postharvest losses in perishables and durables (15 fruit crops, 10 vegetable crops, paddy and 10 other field crops).
Standardization and improvement of quality and safety food (10 fruit crops and 10 vegetable crops).
Developing a knowledge hub for postharvest research and developments within the SAARC region.
Development of post harvest technologies necessary for agro based industries
Development of educational/training programs for people to adopt postharvest loss reduction technologies
Deliver accredited laboratory services to wide range of clients
Becoming excellence in postharvest consultancy services in the country
Creating a satisfying/promising career pathway for all employees and maintaining it throughout the future
Improving administrative procedures to improve the efficiency of institutional programs and activities