Development of a food additive to preserve food by incorporating of oil extractions of nutmeg (Myristica Sp.) and cinnamon (Cinnamon Zeylanicum)
Artificial preservative agents in food products have create some health issues in human. So this research was designed to develop a natural food preservative to preserve selected food products and experiments were carried out for tomato sauce product. Essential oil extractions from Cinnamon bark and nutmeg seed were used in development of this natural additive and experiments were carried out at NIPHM laboratory. Based on the findings it can be concluded that this developed additive has given a positive impact on tomato sauce product considering the consumer preferences and shelf life extension. Findings were published and has applied for patent granting.
Principal Investigator
Ayesha Madushani Jayarathna
Kasun Dhanusha Hettige, Ruwanka Rathnayake, Chaminda Rohan Gunawardena