Use of Potential Biological Control Agents in Controlling Post Harvest Diseases of Mango with Special Reference to Mango Anthracnose
Post-harvest losses of fruits and vegetables are comparatively higher than other crops and one of the main causative factors for the post-harvest loss is diseases. Currently using postharvest disease management strategies i.e. chemical treatments can increase the cost of fruits and vegetables in several folds from field to consumer. Also they are harmful to human health as well as the environment. However, rising consideration over food safety has placed the use of synthetic fungicides under study, thus creating a need to develop alternative methods to control these diseases. Among different biological approaches for controlling plant pathogens, use of microbial antagonists like fungi, yeast and bacteria to prevent and/ or suppress plant diseases, is quite promising and gaining popularity worldwide. This research project is aimed to explore the ability of microorganisms in natural environment for their ability to suppress or control the growth and development of the causal organism of anthracnose i.e. Colletorichum spp.
Principal Investigator
G.D. Nadeeshani Menike
W.B.W.M.R.C.P. Aluwihare
Prof. D.M.De Costa
R.M.R.N.K. Ratnayake
Dr. U.M. A. Kumara