Pulse De-huller Machine
The NIPHM pulse de-huller is a low cost small-scale machine and it consists of a set of rotating abrasive discs mounted on a horizontal shaft within the de-hulling chamber. The machine could be driven by a 3 HP single-phase motor or engine (if electricity is not available) as per requirement. The machine has a holding capacity 3-5 kg per batch and it takes 1.5 minutes to de-hull a batch. The de-hulled grain passes through a cleaning device that separates particles of hull or seed coat from the milled pulse grain. The hull particles that come out as a by-product constitute a valuable animal feed, rich in nutrients. The recovery of the processed grain is about 75%.
Capacity: 150 kg per day
Cost: 130000 LKR
Eng. (Mr.) B.D.M.P Bandara Dissanayake - HOD - Engineering