NIPHM established a dehydration unit to ensure the food security
Sep 01 2022
National Institute of Postharvest Management (NIPHM) launched a development project to promote the value added products of fruits and vegetables targeting export market. Under this project, NIPHM established a fruit dehydration center in Anuradhapura district. Required machineries were handed over to the beneficiary on 26th of August, 2022 by Eng. H.M.A.P.Rathnayake, Director and Ms. Subhashini Weerasinghe, Project Coordinator.
Ms. Subhashini Weerasinghe
Principle Investigator
W.M.C.B.Wasala Principal Research Officer, Head, Project Management Division, Act. Head, Technology Transfer Division
Ms. Subhashini Weerasinghe